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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Justice Gone Wrong, the Scott Sisters Face Life in Prison

Written by: Jasmine Walker

Injustice has once again reared its ugly head, this time against the Scott Sisters, Jamie and Gladys, of Mississippi. On December 24, 1993, the sisters were arrested for an alleged armed robbery; both deny partaking in the event. They were accused of robbing two men at gunpoint for an estimated $11, no was one injured. Ironically, the sisters were given two life sentences each without a chance of parole for 20 years.
Scott Sisters: Courtesy Free Scott Sisters Blog

For the past 16 years Jamie and Gladys have called the Central Mississippi Correctional Facility home. Both first time offenders, continue to appeal their case all submissions have been denied. These women have lost their lives over $11. Their five children grew up without them – the justice system has failed the Scott sisters desperately.

Jamie suffers from severe kidney failure, hypertension and diabetes. Due to the poor care she receives at CMCF her condition continues to worsen. According to Free the Scott Sisters website, Jamie told her mother that she wants and needs a kidney transplant and is forced to purchase her own food because of the strict diet her illnesses require. With the lack of monetary resources, Jamie and Gladys’s commissary funds continue to dwindle.

Not only do we need to ensure that incarcerated people receive the proper healthcare needs, but that these women are given a second chance.

The Scott Sisters continue to uphold their innocence and faith that they will one day meet justice face to face. It is time to take a stand against the injustice in the penal system and for the Scott Sisters to be reunited with their families and live the rest of their lives at home, not behind bars, for a crime that they did not commit. Take Action Now.

1 comment:

  1. This is almost the craziest thing I've ever heard. No previous record & life WTH is our justice coming to. What was the evidence that proved these women deserved Life? I know of individuals who have been given less time for murder. Pedophiles are arrested daily & receive less time. What does this tell out children about our justice system, it doesn't work?! Scott sisters you both will remain in my prayers for Justice to prevail. God Bless the judge who sentenced you two! God don't like ugly & he's not 2 fond of pretty! You guys hold lives in your hands & take it has a joke, Mississppi whew-my granny said if you don't have anything nice to say, hush your mouth. Prayer girls/women,. Only God can get you two through this. Believe in Him, always!
