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Monday, August 30, 2010

Fox News and Glenn Beck versus America, the Saga Continues

Written by: Jasmine Walker

Lately there has been an influx in backlash against Fox News and conservative host and commentator Glenn Beck. America has decided to take a stand and turn their backs or rather their television sets against Fox News. Is this something that America should support?

There have been numerous individual opinions from viewers made against the well-known news station. Viewers express how they find Fox News to be a biased, racist, untruthful, and untrustworthy media outlet. One of the main causes of the controversy seems to center around Fox News’s Glenn Beck.

Beck is known for his orthodox ideals and messages and often stated racial remarks. “A year ago, Glenn Beck called the President a racist who had a deep-seeded hatred for White people,” expressed Color of Change. The organization launched Turn Off Fox, a campaign dedicated to protesting against the Fox News station in hopes that people will turn off and no longer watch the station in their homes and community businesses.

“The goal of Turn Off Fox is to reduce the number of public TVs showing Fox News, while spreading the word about Fox’s poison (and how it works) to those who do not know,” expressed Color of Change. Even though they are against Beck, the underlying problem for them is with Fox News for providing the platform in which Beck is free to speak his mind.

Beck has previously lost his support of numerous advertisers and fans but with the assistance of Fox News, he is still able to pull off stints such as his “Restoring Honor” rally held at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC on the same day and place as Dr. King’s “I Have a Dream” speech. He often takes the controversial, insulting and humorous approach toward political and social issues.

There are countless websites and blog entries about the hate derived from Fox News and Beck. Is this an issue America should continue to exert energy and time toward or are people taking commentators too serious? There will always be some loud mouth public figure causing ruckus on the airwaves.

Since everyone is entitled to freedom of speech, people will continue to voice their opinions to the world. The real issue should be people who take matters into their own hands. Here is a crucial example expressed by Color of Change, “Last month, a heavily armed man got into a gun fight with police after he was pulled over on his way to kill people at the Tides Foundation— a non-profit that was little known until Glenn Beck repeatedly demonized it, claiming it to be the center of a great conspiracy.”

In situations like that who is to blame: Fox News, Glen Beck or the man who was allegedly on his way to kill people? It is time for people to think for themselves, self-education and research are the proper ways to obtain information rather than live by every word expressed by your favorite television host.

There will always be rude people like Glenn Beck, Don Imus, and Bill O’reilly. That does not mean you have to hang onto their every word and believe what they express to be true.

1 comment:

  1. Jasmin
    Your ravings are both untrue and very badly researched.
    Take note and you may learn something (Though i doubt it)
    1. Fox news is the highest rated cable news show in America ,attracting more viewers than CNN MSNBC combined.

    2.No one not even your liberal loons have been able to counter or disprove any of the facts stated by Glenn Beck.He himself repeatedly states that you should not take is word for anything,but check the facts yourself.

    3.The reason that Beck is so popular in the USA and so hated by you liberals is that he tells the truth and does so without spin or fear.

    It does not surprise me that a resident of California thinks this way
    This is a state that ignores Federal Law, establishes sanctuary cities for illegal immigrants and has one of the highest gun crime rates in the US, (A direct result of your unconstitutional attitude to the second amendment),has no idea how to conduct its affairs and will shortly be begging the rest of the country to bail you out to prevent bankruptcy.

    I do hope that the government refuses to spend a cent on your corrupt and mismanaged state,though with the current administration it is unlikely.

    YOU JUST NEED TO WAKE UP, (Cutting out the marijuana will help )

    Steve Challis Kentucky.
