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Thursday, November 15, 2012

Mental health prevention a wise investment

Unlike any other state in the nation, California voters asked for an investment in mental health prevention and early intervention strategies when they passed Proposition 63, the Mental Health Services Act, in 2004. So when the news media fails to present these evidence-based programs as legitimate investments, it demonstrates that this influential industry is out of touch with what Californians want, which is to give our state a chance to save lives.

Critics who dismiss efforts to eliminate the stigma associated with mental health challenges ignore the facts: Intervening at the first sign of symptoms offers the best opportunity to make a significant, positive difference in both immediate and long-term outcomes for people affected by mental health issues.

Yet studies show fewer than 30 percent of people with mental health challenges seek treatment. Fear of being labeled with a mental illness is a significant barrier that prevents people from seeking help.

Far from being just "feel good" programs as some contend, stigma reduction efforts can save lives. In fact, the U.S. surgeon general has identified reducing the stigma associated with mental illness and treatment as a key priority for the nation in addressing the public health crisis of suicide.

Of the individuals who die by suicide, 90 percent have a diagnosable mental health disorder. Too few connect with services that can change the course of their lives. On average, nine Californians die by suicide each day.

Prop. 63 enables California to make a significant difference on a statewide scale to improve awareness of the risks and behaviors associated with suicide and to equip friends and family members to connect loved ones with help. Reaching college students with mental health prevention and early intervention strategies is one part of Prop. 63's multipronged approach.

A multilayered, statewide stigma-reduction program challenges the negative stereotypes and discrimination - too often perpetuated by the news and entertainment media - which prevent people from accessing the mental health services they need.

Having nearly died of suicide as a college student, I know firsthand these proven strategies are worth California's investment.

As required by the law, the vast majority of Prop. 63 dollars are spent on delivering successful, innovative community mental health services to those with severe illness. At the same time, voters recognized prevention and early intervention strategies are so important that the law sets aside 20 percent of funding to prevent more people from reaching mental health crisis.

Any doctor will tell you that preventing heart disease is a better solution than waiting until the first heart attack. The same prescription applies here: Prop. 63's prevention and early intervention efforts meet California voters' demand to improve and save more lives.

Kevin Hines is a national mental health advocate and author of "Memoir: The Art of Living Mentally Well - Most Days - the Kevin Hines story."

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