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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Hands Off the 99%

Today a group of 12 Members of Congress known as the "Super Committee" is holding an invitation-only public hearing in Washington, D.C., about deficit reduction. On the table are big cuts to Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security.

Click here and send a message to each member of the Super Committee: Don't cut the 99% - tax the 1%.

Republican right-wingers are trying to use the deficit reduction talks to further their extremist agenda to end Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security as we know them. The best way to reduce the deficit is to close corporate loopholes and tax the 1%, and polls show this has the overwhelming support of the public - even including millionaires. But Republicans aren't interested in doing what's right - we have to make them.

America's middle-class didn't cause this economic meltdown, and we shouldn't be the ones to foot the bill for getting us out of it. It's time for Wall Street banks, health insurance companies and Big Oil to pay their fair share. Send a message to the Congressional Super Committee today: Hands off the 99%, and no cuts to Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security.

The GOP leaders and their cronies on the Super Committee are trying to hold the deficit talks hostage in an attempt to destroy the American Dream for the rest of us. Fight back and send a message today.

P.S. Join us in Washington DC on November 4th for the Occupy the Kochs: Guerrilla Drive-In.

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