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Open dialogue among community members is an important part of successful advocacy. Take Action California believes that the more information and discussion we have about what's important to us, the more empowered we all are to make change.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


By Mitch Stewart

House Republicans are voting today to repeal health reform -- sending the bill to a showdown in the Senate.


And that's exactly where it must end.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has vowed to do everything he can to stop this push, but he's counting on this movement -- people like you and me, who fought alongside the President to pass historic health reform -- to dig in to protect that progress.

It's not just about contacting our senators. It's about organizing our neighbors to do the same. It's about writing letters and staging rallies and showing senators at every turn that Americans overwhelmingly oppose repeal.

This isn't just about defeating repeal in the Senate.

Republicans have already said, if they can't tear down the Affordable Care Act in one fell swoop, they'll try to dismantle it piece by piece. They'll go after provisions in the bill that together provide coverage to 32 million Americans and make health care more affordable for millions more.

If they get their way, the Republican effort will:

-- Keep it legal for insurance companies to discriminate against people with a pre-existing medical condition -- affecting as many as half of all Americans under 65;

-- Re-open the "donut hole" in prescription drug coverage that made prescriptions unaffordable for millions of seniors;

-- Legalize the practice of insurance companies dropping people's coverage when they get sick -- just because they made a mistake on a form;

-- Prevent young adults under 26 from staying on their parents' insurance; and

-- Add $230 billion to the deficit over the next 10 years.

The implications of the Republicans' anti-reform agenda are real for millions of people. This debate is a choice between providing quality, affordable health care -- and the desires of an abusive insurance industry.

That's the message we'll be driving home from today until we finally stop every last attempt to undo reform.

But we need to make sure we have the tools to do it.

We need you with us in this fight!

Courtesy of Organizing for America 

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