SACRAMENTO — Good reform ideas are a dime a dozen. Look in any
faculty lounge. But successful strategies for implementing those ideas
are rare.
There also are idealists unwilling to compromise, who'd rather strike out than bunt the runner to the next base.
California Forward, a blue-ribbon reform group, is none of that. But
the think tank provides a case study of how difficult it is to enact
significant change when confronted by the status quo.
Not that
every proposed reform is golden or all status quo rotten. But meaningful
change usually requires both good policy and astute politics because,
ultimately, competing interests and the public must sign off.
Forward has been trying for years, with limited success. Formed in 2008
and financed by foundations, it was initially co-chaired by Leon
Panetta, the current U.S. defense secretary who had been a congressman
from Monterey and chief of staff for President Clinton.
principal dysfunction of Sacramento," Panetta told me back then, "is
similar to what's happening in Washington: the inability of the elected
leadership to come together and arrive at necessary compromises for
solutions to the problems we face."
Little has changed.
Forward has probably spent $20 million developing and pushing reforms,
according to Panetta's replacement, former Democratic state Assembly
Speaker Bob Hertzberg. So far it hasn't been able to place its own
reform on the ballot.
It was influential in promoting three
reforms sponsored by others that did get approved by voters: independent
redrawing of political districts, open state primaries and
majority-vote budgets.
The redistricting and open primary reforms —
designed to elect more pragmatists — kick in this year. The
majority-vote budget took effect last year, sparing the state another
summer of legislative stalemate caused by the old need for a two-thirds
That process — enacting one reform at a time — is equivalent
to bunting the runner along. Or, in reform lingo, call it
"The secret to reforming," Hertzberg says, "is
understanding incrementalism and not trying to be so big and so bold.
You've got to align interests." He's critical of "overzealous reformers"
and people "just trying to stop something, rather than trying to do
Currently, California Forward is confronted by
interests bent on stopping a proposed budget reform initiative it is
trying to qualify for the November ballot. Behind-the-scenes resistance
is coming from, you name it: labor, environmentalists, legislative wonks
and Gov. Jerry Brown's strategists, who desire a clear field for the
governor's tax-increase proposal.
The reform organization is collecting voter signatures — a $3-million
project — and says it has almost enough to turn in for validating. It
faces an early May deadline. But the interests want the group, at
minimum, to back off and compromise on a more mundane measure. And it
may do that.
As written, after two years in the making, the ambitious and complex initiative would:
Prevent the Legislature from expanding programs or granting tax breaks
that cost the treasury more than $25 million unless it paid for them
with spending cuts or tax increases.
This would seem to be a logical step to cure deficit spending.
it's the equivalent of a dreaded spending limit, labor and Democrats
complain. They note that a tax hike is virtually impossible for the
Legislature to pass because new levies still require a two-thirds vote.
freezes in spending at the lowest point in the economy," says Dave Low,
executive director of the California School Employees Assn. The
provision is "pretty much fatal" for the initiative in labor's view, Low
-- Empower the governor to unilaterally cut spending in a fiscal emergency if the Legislature refuses.
would be a huge shift of power to the governor, Democrats assert. And
they're right.
But a fiscal emergency could be resolved by an
old-fashioned solution: compromise.
-- Authorize local elected
officials to tweak state laws to provide public services more
efficiently, unless the Legislature objected. And local entities would
get an extra $200 million in state revenue.
Oops! A little problem
here. The idea of local politicians — particularly in conservative
counties — reshaping a state law unless the dysfunctional Legislature
vetoed the move is fraught with danger for labor and environmentalists.
"creates very serious risks to environmental laws such as [those]
protecting air quality, water quality, the coast and endangered
species," complains Tom Adams, longtime activist at the California
League of Conservation Voters.
Besides, Democrats point out, Sacramento doesn't have $200 million to spare for local government.
-- Change budgeting practices.
budgets would be enacted for two years, rather than one. The budget
would be updated in the second year. The idea is to plan ahead. Critics
roll their eyes.
Agencies would be funded based on the performance
of their programs. The Legislature passed such a bill last year and
Brown vetoed it. Too much work, he implied.
The Legislature would
have to spend the final summer of every two-year cycle conducting
oversight of state programs. In an election year? Good luck.
bill could be passed unless it had been in print for three days. That's
to prevent end-of-session shenanigans. Great idea. But lawmakers would
find a loophole.
My guess is California Forward will shelve the
$25-million spending limit and local agency proposals and compromise
with the Legislature on gubernatorial powers and budgeting changes.
part of a loaf. The rest isn't cooked. Interests and a suspicious
public have delicate appetites. They can digest only so much reform in
one gulp.
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