Community News
Open dialogue among community members is an important part of successful advocacy. Take Action California believes that the more information and discussion we have about what's important to us, the more empowered we all are to make change.
Governor’s proposed tax initiative is the cornerstone of his 2012-13
budget plan, which includes proposals to restructure education finance,
reduce social services and child care programs substantially, and
implement trigger cuts--primarily affecting schools--if voters do not
approve the tax measure. The Governor’s plan would continue the
difficult task of restoring the state budget to balance, but the
difficulty in knowing how much taxable income will be attributable to
high-income Californians makes the state’s revenue estimates an even
bigger question mark than usual.
With regard to the Governor’s major proposals, we think the Governor’s
education restructuring proposals would institute lasting improvements
to the system, and we observe that, while his social services and child
care proposals have merit, they involve considerable drawbacks as well,
given potentially severe impacts on affected families. Moreover, while
the Governor’s tax initiative would improve the financial outlook of
public education over the next several years, his trigger plan would
create significant uncertainty for educational institutions in their
planning for 2012-13. The Legislature needs to be very deliberate in
structuring a workable trigger package and designing tools to help
schools respond to potential trigger cuts.
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